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| [root@~]# gor --help Gor is a simple http traffic replication tool written in Go. Its main goal is to replay traffic from production servers to staging and dev environments. Project page: https://github.com/buger/gor Author: <Leonid Bugaev> leonsbox@gmail.com Current Version: 1.0.0
-copy-buffer-size int Set the buffer size for an individual request (default 5M) (default 5242880) -cpuprofile string write cpu profile to file -debug verbose //打开debug模式,显示所有接口的流量 Turn on debug output, shows all intercepted traffic. Works only when with verbose flag -exit-after duration exit after specified duration -http-allow-header value //用一个正则表达式来匹配http头部,如果请求的头部没有匹配上,则被拒绝 A regexp to match a specific header against. Requests with non-matching headers will be dropped: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-header api-version:^v1 -http-allow-method value // 类似于一个白名单机制来允许通过的http请求方法,除此之外的方法都被拒绝. Whitelist of HTTP methods to replay. Anything else will be dropped: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-method GET --http-allow-method OPTIONS -http-allow-url value //一个正则表达式用来匹配url, 用来过滤完全匹配的的url,在此之外的都被过滤掉 A regexp to match requests against. Filter get matched against full url with domain. Anything else will be dropped: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-url ^www. -http-basic-auth-filter value //匹配认证头重放 A regexp to match the decoded basic auth string against. Requests with non-matching headers will be dropped: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-basic-auth-filter "^customer[0-9].*" -http-disallow-header value //用一个正则表达式来匹配http头部,匹配到的请求会被拒绝掉 A regexp to match a specific header against. Requests with matching headers will be dropped: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-disallow-header "User-Agent: Replayed by Gor" -http-disallow-url value //用一个正则表达式来匹配url,如果请求匹配上了,则会被拒绝 A regexp to match requests against. Filter get matched against full url with domain. Anything else will be forwarded: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-disallow-url ^www. -http-header-limiter value //读取请求,基于FNV32-1A散列来拒绝一定比例的特殊请求 Takes a fraction of requests, consistently taking or rejecting a request based on the FNV32-1A hash of a specific header: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-header-limiter user-id:25% -http-original-host //在--output-http的输出中,通常gor会使用取代请求的http头,所以应该禁用该选项,保留原始的主机头 Normally gor replaces the Host http header with the host supplied with --output-http. This option disables that behavior, preserving the original Host header. -http-param-limiter value Takes a fraction of requests, consistently taking or rejecting a request based on the FNV32-1A hash of a specific GET param: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-param-limiter user_id:25% -http-pprof :8181 Enable profiling. Starts http server on specified port, exposing special /debug/pprof endpoint. Example: :8181 -http-rewrite-header value Rewrite the request header based on a mapping: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-rewrite-header Host: (.*).example.com,$1.beta.example.com -http-rewrite-url value Rewrite the request url based on a mapping: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-rewrite-url /v1/user/([^\/]+)/ping:/v2/user/$1/ping -http-set-header value Inject additional headers to http reqest: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-set-header 'User-Agent: Gor' -http-set-param value Set request url param, if param already exists it will be overwritten: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-set-param api_key=1 -input-dummy value Used for testing outputs. Emits 'Get /' request every 1s -input-file value //从一个文件中读取请求 Read requests from file: gor --input-file ./requests.gor --output-http staging.com -input-file-loop Loop input files, useful for performance testing. -input-kafka-host string Send request and response stats to Kafka: gor --output-stdout --input-kafka-host ',' -input-kafka-json-format If turned on, it will assume that messages coming in JSON format rather than GoReplay text format. -input-kafka-topic string Send request and response stats to Kafka: gor --output-stdout --input-kafka-topic 'kafka-log' -input-raw value Capture traffic from given port (use RAW sockets and require *sudo* access): gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com -input-raw-bpf-filter string BPF filter to write custom expressions. Can be useful in case of non standard network interfaces like tunneling or SPAN port. Example: --input-raw-bpf-filter 'dst port 80' -input-raw-buffer-size int Controls size of the OS buffer (in bytes) which holds packets until they dispatched. Default value depends by system: in Linux around 2MB. If you see big package drop, increase this value. -input-raw-engine libpcap Intercept traffic using libpcap (default), and `raw_socket` (default "libpcap") -input-raw-expire duration How much it should wait for the last TCP packet, till consider that TCP message complete. (default 2s) -input-raw-immediate-mode Set pcap interface to immediate mode. -input-raw-override-snaplen Override the capture snaplen to be 64k. Required for some Virtualized environments -input-raw-realip-header string If not blank, injects header with given name and real IP value to the request payload. Usually this header should be named: X-Real-IP -input-raw-timestamp-type string Possible values: PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST, PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST_LOWPREC, PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST_HIPREC, PCAP_TSTAMP_ADAPTER, PCAP_TSTAMP_ADAPTER_UNSYNCED. This values not supported on all systems, GoReplay will tell you available values of you put wrong one. -input-raw-track-response If turned on Gor will track responses in addition to requests, and they will be available to middleware and file output. -input-tcp value // 用来在多个gor之间流转流量 Used for internal communication between Gor instances. Example: gor --input-tcp :28020 --output-http staging.com -input-tcp-certificate string Path to PEM encoded certificate file. Used when TLS turned on. -input-tcp-certificate-key string Path to PEM encoded certificate key file. Used when TLS turned on. -input-tcp-secure Turn on TLS security. Do not forget to specify certificate and key files. -memprofile string write memory profile to this file -middleware string Used for modifying traffic using external command -output-dummy value //用来测试输入,打印出接收的数据. DEPRECATED: use --output-stdout instead -output-file value //把进入的请求写入一个文件中 Write incoming requests to file: gor --input-raw :80 --output-file ./requests.gor -output-file-append The flushed chunk is appended to existence file or not. -output-file-flush-interval duration Interval for forcing buffer flush to the file, default: 1s. (default 1s) -output-file-max-size-limit value Max size of output file, Default: 1TB (default -1) -output-file-queue-limit int The length of the chunk queue. Default: 256 (default 256) -output-file-size-limit value Size of each chunk. Default: 32mb (default 33554432) -output-http value //转发进入的请求到一个http地址上 Forwards incoming requests to given http address. gor --input-raw :80 --output-http http://staging.com -output-http-compatibility-mode Use standard Go client, instead of built-in implementation. Can be slower, but more compatible. -output-http-debug Enables http debug output. -output-http-elasticsearch string //把请求和响应状态发送到ElasticSearch Send request and response stats to ElasticSearch: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --output-http-elasticsearch 'es_host:api_port/index_name' -output-http-header --output-http-header WARNING: --output-http-header DEPRECATED, use `--http-set-header` instead -output-http-header-filter --output-http-header-filter WARNING: --output-http-header-filter DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-header` instead -output-http-header-hash-filter output-http-header-hash-filter WARNING: output-http-header-hash-filter DEPRECATED, use `--http-header-hash-limiter` instead -output-http-method --output-http-method WARNING: --output-http-method DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-method` instead -output-http-queue-len int Number of requests that can be queued for output, if all workers are busy. default = 1000 (default 1000) -output-http-redirects int //设置多少次重定向被允许 Enable how often redirects should be followed. -output-http-response-buffer int HTTP response buffer size, all data after this size will be discarded. -output-http-rewrite-url --output-http-rewrite-url WARNING: --output-http-rewrite-url DEPRECATED, use `--http-rewrite-url` instead -output-http-stats //每5秒钟输出一次输出队列的状态 Report http output queue stats to console every N milliseconds. See output-http-stats-ms -output-http-stats-ms int Report http output queue stats to console every N milliseconds. default: 5000 (default 5000) -output-http-timeout duration //指定http的request/response超时时间,默认是5秒 Specify HTTP request/response timeout. By default 5s. Example: --output-http-timeout 30s (default 5s) -output-http-track-response If turned on, HTTP output responses will be set to all outputs like stdout, file and etc. -output-http-url-regexp --output-http-url-regexp WARNING: --output-http-url-regexp DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-url` instead -output-http-workers int // gor默认是动态的扩展工作者数量,你也可以指定固定数量的工作者 Gor uses dynamic worker scaling. Enter a number to set a maximum number of workers. default = 0 = unlimited. -output-http-workers-min int Gor uses dynamic worker scaling. Enter a number to set a minimum number of workers. default = 1. -output-kafka-host string Read request and response stats from Kafka: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-kafka-host ',' -output-kafka-json-format If turned on, it will serialize messages from GoReplay text format to JSON. -output-kafka-topic string Read request and response stats from Kafka: gor --input-raw :8080 --output-kafka-topic 'kafka-log' -output-null Used for testing inputs. Drops all requests. -output-stdout Used for testing inputs. Just prints to console data coming from inputs. -output-tcp value //用来在多个gor之间流转流量 Used for internal communication between Gor instances. Example: gor --input-raw :80 --output-tcp replay.local:28020 -output-tcp-secure Use TLS secure connection. --input-file on another end should have TLS turned on as well. -output-tcp-stats //每5秒钟报告一次tcp输出队列的状态 Report TCP output queue stats to console every 5 seconds. -prettify-http If enabled, will automatically decode requests and responses with: Content-Encodning: gzip and Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Useful for debugging, in conjuction with --output-stdout -split-output true By default each output gets same traffic. If set to true it splits traffic equally among all outputs. -stats //打开输出队列的状态 Turn on queue stats output -verbose Turn on more verbose output